Big Red

Hanging so big and heavy in the sky

A haunting sight that catches every eye

It’s colour crimson deep and bold

Filled with mysteries yet to unfold

The stars start to fade as it takes control

Her glow is intense as it pierces the soul

The shadows are cast by this lunar light

As whispers fly out through the night

Mesmerised by the beauty I cannot look away

Attracting my attention by this powerful display

A silent witness to the world below

As it bathes everything in its eerie glow

The world holds its breath in awe and in dread

As the blood red moon hangs heavy overhead

This silent guard this ghostly guide

Peering through the shadows where secrets hide

Watch this magical Luna display

Listen to the message it conveys

The blood red moon in its crimson hue

Speaks of transformation old and new

Let the memories last for ages to come

As we bask in her beauty till we are done.

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