The Dragon And The Scar

The scar ran from upper left side of my forehead to just below my right eye and had sunken deeply into my skin with a burning sensation. It was blood red and made it so I was unable to open my right eye now. Probably for the better, that way both my eyes to have to witness this hideous scar every time I saw my relation.

For weeks now, dark shadows had flown over the clouds of the kingdom. My kingdom— well, soon to be kingdom, I was the prince and my mother had grown deathly ill. Without her there was painic everywhere. Know one new what to do, and now it was up to me to defend the kingdom and everyone in it.

I wasn’t sure, though, if the dragons where going to attack or if they where just scaring us. But, whatever the reason they had to be taken down before it was too late. There was only one way to kill a dragon and that was with an elven sword. Swords so rare that the common man would kill for one. And as a gift for becoming allies with the nearby elven kingdom, they granted us one. But this was a one shot kind of thing. Of If I don’t wound or kill the dragon, then it will know I tried to attack it and kill me. And I shall be the one to slay it.

That was my intention at least. Slay the dragon, become a hero, I was so arrogant, so full of pride that I was blinded by the truth. I failed to slay the dragon and it didn’t kill me, but instead took over my kingdom and left me with a scar across my face as a reminder of what happened. It’s my fault I was blinded and that was my defeat.

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