And If They Fall

“Hey hey, let’s not get too hasty now, you wouldn’t want to kill your creator- would you?” I asked in a rather calm tone, for someone who had a knife to their throat.

The perpetrator hisses into my ear- they had snuck up behind me, and as she was an assassin I wasn’t surprised she had been able to sneak up on me. I had made her ability to hide, disguise and do her job well, after all. “You shut up or I slice your throat!”

“You truly want to kill in front of children?” I gestures vaguely towards a small group of kids, who happened to stumble upon the situation. I knew this scenario… I wrote it. I spoke the same exact words Azikel, God of War had said in my story…

The only problem was… they aren’t real and this isn’t a dream, I didn’t self insert myself, so what the hell happened? Despite my thoughts I kept a calm, superior demeanor. The assassin’s knife came slowly away from my throat. In this scene, Azikel would’ve started a fight like in the movies, but I do not know how to fight. Not physically. I studied techniques and such, but cannot hold my own. So I just stood there awkwardly. “Where’s your partner?”

This made the assassin startle and glare “How do you know?”

I merely smile and shrug. “I don’t. I guessed.” *i pointed to my ear* “you’re wearing something like a spy… thing.”

The assassin snorts and waves, signaling her partner the sniper that it was fine and no blood will be involved.

There wouldn’t… not with me here… but then again… I am there god.

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