No Poem Or Brainstorm But A Story

Hi, my name is Jameson, but my friends call me JJ. I’m 12, but my birthday is in a few days, Friday, February 19th! It’s only a few days away, as it’s Tuesday, February 16th. Anyways, I was going about my school day like normal, and during my time in the library I overheard something exciting!

First off, I have to explain about how IMPORTANT this birthday is. It’s not just any old birthday, it’s my 13th birthday. That isn’t just a year difference, that’s a whole teen from preteen difference. There’s no telling how much older I’ll feel this year. Im expecting to wake up and have armpit hair like my dad, Roger. Oh Roger, he is my favorite, and his better half is Charlotte, Charlie for short.

My mom Charlie hasn’t even mentioned it… it really makes me worry they won’t celebrate. But I do know that either way, it’s a big day for me.

Now, back to the library. It was 4th period, which took place around 11:15 AM. 4th period was library… my favorite. That’s sarcasm, if you can’t tell. (My mom tells me I’m super sarcastic, but I definitely am NOT)

I was supposed to be looking for a book named, “From the Depths of the Sea”

A novel by Richard Maddox. Which is dumb because teens do NOT like novels. We like exciting, risky, and cutting edge books. Books that excite your imagination unlike any nonfiction books can give you.

During my search I overheard whispering from behind the extra large book case that sat at the back of library. I think it’s made of oak, I thought to myself, as I slowly made my way closer to the whispering.

“Did you hear about the big news friday?” Said the first voice

“Big news?????” I thought “how do they know but I don’t? Are they purposing trying to keep secrets from me, or from the entire class??”

“Yes, I I heard about it and we are supposed to keep quiet”, said the second voice

As I went to look behind the book case, the bell rang, and my heart nearly left my chest!!!

I jump and hurriedly got distance between the book case so there wasn’t any suspicion in case they came out.

And came out they did.

It was my mom and the principal..

“Mom, why are you here?”

“Oh sweetie, I was just helping the principal prepare something for some of the students”

And then I started to cry, because my mom was more worried about helping the principal than do a birthday for her son.

Luckily, I didn’t get to upset, because what came next was possibly the best day of my life.

As I made it home from school the next day, thursday, my mom had yet to say anything.

I got the nerve to ask my dad about it and he said “oh buddy, I’m sure your mom has SOMETHING for you”

Oh I didn’t want to hear that. They both forgot.

I ran to my room in tears, my dad yelling “J don’t be upset, you always get good birthdays!”

I ran up the stairs, through the hallway and into my bedroom. I dove into my bed and cried myself to sleep because it was supposed to be such a big day but nothing came out right, it was all in shambles. It’s so hard to be an almost 13 year old.

As I opened my eyes the next morning, I felt energized, like somehow I knew everything would be okay. I knew today I was 13!!!

So I got my clothes in quick and got ready for school, “I sure hope nobody forgets about me…”, I thought to myself.

As the school day went on, nothing happened.. 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd… 3rd….. to 4th……

Same old boring day in the lunch room until the lights went out.

A disco ball dropped down and an overhead projector said

“Happy thirteenth birthday Jameson, we all love you” -signed by all my piers and all my family…

And everybody started to sing in unison, happy birthday to you!

The lights from the disco ball flickered over my mom and dad who were disguised as teachers at the back of the room.

Hmm, maybe I’m just a little emotional. I won’t think to much into conversations I hear in the library anymore.

All in all, I worked myself up into a panic just to be relieved by those who I thought had forgotten me. Idk why I had these thoughts but, I’m glad I did because I got to have the best 13th birthday party ever.

I also got one of those big wavey balloon men from that party, that I use to scare my grandma from time to time.

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