Mercy’s Outlaw

His hanging was set at noon. The Sun cast a long shadow of the gallows in his cell. He swallowed the cotton feeling that lodged in his throat and leaned his head against the stone wall. Self pity started to fog his mind. He didn’t want to die like this, like a spectacle for the town’s entertainment. But he guessed he deserved this. He had spent the majority of his life a wanted man. Robbed dozens of banks and outposts. Although he never took another’s life. That was one line he would never cross.

He did brake his one rule; never trust Kane. Kane convinced him that this would be their last heist. It would be easy, get the money and run. But Kane had other ideas. He rubbed his face of the memory. Never had he seen a man bleed out like that. Never had he seen such fear and hatred amongst the town’s people.

Lost in thought, he hadn’t heard the deputy come towards his cell. “Outlaw, looks like you’ve got a visitor. Though what good citizen in their right mind ever wants to associate with the likes of you is beyond me. You’ve got five minutes.” The deputy spat the dirty brown tobacco next to the cell then walked away leaving behind someone hidden under a cloak.

“Well, what a pickle you’ve gotten yourself in Randy.” He knew that voice. “What are you doing here Mercy?” Shouldn’t you be getting ready for your wedding?” He spat. Mercy uncovered her head and shook out her curls.

“Not when I’ve got some saving to do.” Mercy pulled a hair pin out from her hair. “How many times has this pin saved your hide huh?” She chuckled. Randy turned to look at her. A blank expression replaced his often amused one. “I’m afraid you’re not gonna save me this time. I’m too tired anyways.”

“Kane should be in here not you! He’s the one who killed the banker. He’s a coward for runnin, leavin you behind.” Mercy began to work the lock. Her face contorted into one of concentrated and concern. Beautiful, Randy though. He stood up and crossed the short distance between them grasping her hands in his through the bars, and glared at her.“You’ve got your whole life ahead of you. For Pete sake your getting married tomorrow Mercy! If you get caught-“

“To a man I don’t love! Pa set that up. And I’ve never gotten caught before.”

“I love you Mercy! So much so as to not let you do this. Ya hear?!” Randy tore his hands away from her’s and turned his back, his eyes set on the gallows before him. “I love you too Randy. I’ve got to set you free!” Mercy, in frustration tugged at the lock. She let out a small whimper. Why wasn’t the lock working?

“Mercy, Mercy. Stop.” Randy looked over his shoulder. “It’s ok.”


The deputy’s steps pounded towards them.

“Your time is up. Better run.”

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