
The Day Harriet Went Missing

After Harriet

Just like that, most people continued with their lives as if the clock had only temporarily stopped rather than having been frozen. I did not. I was stuck in a time loop and her parents began to move anti-clockwise. Her parents frantically searched through the past to try and uncover where she might be, whereas I kept going back to the police, as well as the internet, asking every possible question there was to ask and enforcing the importance of finding her.

I eventually came to the cold realisation that no one, other than myself and her family, cared about her or was putting in enough effort to track her down. I was going to have to take on the role of Sherlock and find her myself. I was going to start by logging on to her social media accounts, however I suddenly remembered that she deleted them 6 months ago as part of the new mental wellness regime she began.

I actually started by looking through her room, with her parents permission, but had no luck. I spent 2 days looking before I became overwhelmed by the feelings that come with failure. I spent the next day in my room, playing all of the video games we used to play. I began playing sims 4 when it hit me, the river, we always go there when we have a lot on our minds. I ran over to the backside and there she was...

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