
“Your times up. Better run!” The man with the sword yelled at me.

I immediately started to run. I ran until I couldn’t breathe. I ran until I couldn’t anymore. I came to a stop hunching over, trying to regain my breathe. I knew if I was found he would have my head. I could not get the knight to understand that it wasn’t me who poisoned the king, however, he didn’t listen to me.

I was a servant at the castle, worked as a cook. So when the kind was poisoned, they assumed it would be the cook and they came looking for me.

I began to run again, I never really stopped running. I no longer have to run literally, but I have to keep an eye out for people from the castle. Anyone would turn me in for a few shiny coins. This is how I must live my life, until my death or until they catch me.

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