'I have forgotten.'

Write a story with this as the final line of dialogue.

I’m Still Remembering

(There was another conversation between Lucky and Jason at the same place. We shall see how that unfolded.) Lucky began the conversation. “Hey, nice to see you again.” Jason replied, “I’m especially glad.” “What makes you say that?” “Well, I haven’t been the best lately.” “Oh?” “Yeah, well, I’ve been having nightmares lately.” “Nightmares?” “Yeah… they’re getting rough to deal with.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear.” “It’s okay.” Jason coughed into his elbow. “To be honest, I just think they’re normal.” “What do you have nightmares about?” “To be honest, I have nightmares of the night I got arrested, you getting shot, my past when I was home alone, and now what I’ve done to the members.” “Oh… wow.” “Yep. They’re rough but hey, who cares?” Jason coughed again, this time harder. Lucky asked, “Jason, are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine.” Jason got in a coughing fit, coughing as though he just got saved from drowning. Lucky panicked. “Jason, you don’t sound okay. Do I need to call someone? I’m starting to get worried!” “Yeah, I think so…” Jason coughed harder as Lucky quickly dialed 9-1-1. Lucky stated what was currently happening. “I’m on the roof of the high school and my best friend is coughing hard, as if he can’t breathe!” Lucky turned away from Jason briefly. “I may need some medical help for him.” Sirens were heard faintly, Lucky began getting hopeful. The ambulance was on its way. But something’s wrong. Jason’s completely missing. “Jason? Jason?!” Lucky called out his name a few more times to no avail. The sirens got louder as the ambulance sped through the streets towards the school. Lucky looked all around before Jason appeared once again. “I’m sorry Lucky. All those memories have gotten to me. I have forgotten.” “No, please!” BOOM!
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