If silence had a scent, it would smell like...

“Silent “

Everyone was silently watching a movie

It was late and everyone had fallen asleep.

Except for Sally, the tv was on but just a blur on the screen no sound. It had been snowing for several hours and we were all just hanging out.

I suppose I was the only one awake. I was just laying in the same room amoug several friends.

It was perfectly silent even the snow outside looked like the sun was out. Out of no where came this awful smell, I mean it was so bad I wanted to gag. Then all of a sudden Jill wakes up and than Raymond, Lord what’s that awful smell. I bet tony, farted. Dam it woke everybody up. I didn’t fart said Tony, somebody did, man that smell has stuck to the walls. Smells like something crawled up his ass and died. Everyone started laughing. Dang there goes that smell again, Chad, is that you that’s farting? Not me!

It must be you hiding over there not saying a word. Dam your farts are silent but deadly, Chad busted out laughing,,so it is you. You woke everyone one up. Your farts will wake the dead. Everyone started laughing again. Chad, if you fart again you’ll be sleeping out on the balcony. Chad, did his best not to fall asleep again to afraid to fart and wake everyone up. Sally still awake asked Chad, dude do you always fart and draw flies. I don’t know about that,but I usually run everyone out of a class room. I bet you do said Sally, that was pretty ronchy. Only because we’re snowed in and can’t go outside, because other wise everyone would of ran outside. Chad laughed I’m sorry I can’t help it, if I would of farted out loud everyone would of slept right thru it. Why’s that? Because my loud farts don’t stink. The silent ones are powerful, silent 🔇 can’t hear a thing, but can’t stand the smell. Awake or asleep it will wake you up with your eyes red and watery, Sally laughed, Chad, you would ruin a wedding celebration, people would leave a theater running in the middle of a movie. It’s not that bad laughed Chad. I have an ideal oh no. Now that is dangerous . Shut up said Sally.

Sally , walked out on the balcony, it was cold but very silent. She could hear herself think it was so quiet. The snow outside was beautiful and everything smelled so fresh. I wish I could hand out here forever, but it’s to cold. She open the door to go inside and that nasty smell hit her right in the face. She pretended not to notice, Chad come here take a look at this. Chad slipped on his snow boots and jacket, his hoodie and came outside to join Sally, look Chad, see how pretty the snow is, close your eyes and take in the fresh smell from nature. Chad closed his eyes to take in the smell and Sally, ran inside and locked the door behind her leaving Chad outside.

Let me in I’ll freeze to death out here Sally laughed, you’ll be fine I left several blankets out there for you to keep warm. Fine I’ll sleep out here. Chad laid down on the balcony, made himself a bed, during the night Chad must of fated a lot because the smell lured in a big black bear and a few deer came to investigate. Sally, opened the balcony door and said get in here before that bear decides to eat you, it might think your road kill, as bad as you stink. I’m sure he would find you tasty Chad just laughed.

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