Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.

Fake Identity

I opened the front door, and standing there was Anna, my best friend. I was shocked. She looked at me disgustedly. What was wrong? I gulped.

“Hey Anna!” I said.

“I know you did it.” She said coldly. I’ve never seen her act this way.

“Did what?” I was hoping it wasn’t what I was thinking.

“You, monster! I know you did it!” I saw tears start to fall. I have never seen her get angry.

“I did. I did it. Okay!” I burst into tears remembering the guilt I felt.

*1 week before*

I turned on the news. “Breaking news! We are reporting live, there has been a stolen painting in the HistoryVista Museum!” The reporter said.

I stood there shocked. I was the thief. I did it. I would never ever EVER tell anyone, though.

I looked at Anna with guilt. “Fine I’ll tell you. I did it… because… because I needed the money, and I tried to make myself look innocent by being the “hero”! That’s why I did those things! Okay!” I cried.

She softened. “Camilla, I’m sorry you felt that way. But regardless you need to turn yourself in, you can’t keep living like this.” She sighed.

I nodded. She pulled me into a hug.

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