Trapped Forever

The labyrinth stretched endlessly in all directions, it’s stone walls cold and unforgiving. Sienna, the leader and eldest of the group, wiped the sweat from her brow and glanced at her companions. Robert, with his broad shoulders and firm gaze, looked as resolute as ever, though he seemed jaded by the endless maze. Lola, the youngest, clung to Sienna like a lifeline, her eyes darting around every corner in search of a way out. And then there was Eloise, who quiet intellect had guided them through many perils, now looking rather confused and anxious at her hand drawn map of the labyrinth.

They had been wandering the maze for days, maybe weeks - time had become a blur. Every path they took seemed to loop round on itself, every corridor a mirror of the last. They were running painfully low on food and water, and the weight of despair threatened to crush their spirits.

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