Submitted by Oddity
The Beauty of Being Asleep
Write a poem which could have this as its title.
Scared Of The Dark
[warning: deep topics]
They say escapism is detrimental,
And I’m in no position to disagree,
But there’s something in the darkness
That simply calls to me.
A world without the brightness;
A world without the noise;
A moment of peace where my
Eyelids shut the world out
Would be quite good for me.
But as the darkness lingers
And as my sight adjusts,
This dreamy, drunken state
Slowly starts to rust.
My feet are getting lost
And my soul is spinning;
The darkness isn’t so comforting
Once you start to stumble.
The darkness is a prison and
I beg my eyelids to open,
But there is no brightness,
No noise,
That anyone can see.
The show has overrun
Let me escape this place.
The darkness has exceeded its stay
It’s time for me
To go.