Cavern Of Witches

“Are you sure were on the right trail Abby?” Asked Brooke.

Abby turns around hands on hips and stared at Brooke. “Of course silly. Keep walking.”

Sophie widened her eyes at her two friends. She agreed with Brooke. They had been walking for over an hour now and Sophie had seen no sign of the cabin they had booked for their July 4th weekend hang out.

But the three walked on.

And on. And on. Brooke looked up and saw hazy clouds loom over the sky as tiny droplets of rain started to fall.

Abby turned around and looked at Brooke and Sophie. “Maybe I got a little lost.” She admitted.

“Ya think?” Sophie said sighing.

“Ok, no one move. Let’s look for shelter before the rain starts to pick up.” Brooke suggested.

Abby and Sophie nodded and looked around themselves. Suddenly Sophie gasped.

“Guys! Look, there’s a cave sorta shelter over there!”

Abbys face lit up with relief. “Great. Let’s go guys.” And so they jogged towards the cavern ahead.

When they reached the entrance Brooke gulped.

“I don’t know guys. This looks... not good.”

Sophie turned to look at her friend. “Brooke. It’s either camping out in this cave till the rain stops, or staying outside in the rain and probably will get eaten by hungry bears.”

Brooke shrugged and stepped forward into the cave.

The three girls walked on through the cave. Water would every now and then drop form the cave sending Abby jumping.

“Wait,” Sophie stopped. “Do you guys hear that?”

The girls stopped and listened. They could all hear a faint sound of cackling voices.

“Maybe it’s someone else who got stuck out in the wilderness.” Hoped Abby. She stared to walk forward and Sophie and Brooke had no other choice but to follow with her.

As they neared the corner, they soon found that the cackling voices belonged to two old ladies with a big black cauldron sitting in the middle, bubbling with gooey green stuff. Brooke made a disgusted face.

The two old ladies looked up at the girls and stopped talking. “Oh my, look what we have here,” the one on the right said. “Three lost hikers seeking shelter I presume?” The other lady cackled.

“Um,” Abby started. “Yes actually. Can... you help us?”

The two old ladies shared a look. “Why, of course! We’d love to help!”

“Ok, sure. So um- wait, what are you doing?”

The old lady to the left stood up and walked slowly towards the three girls. “You all will be perfect...” she whispered.

“Excuse me, but, did you just say. ‘perfect’?” Brooke asked.

The lady to the right stood up, laughing. “Why yes, indeed we did!” She said a little to loudly. “We made the rain come so you could meet us here and share our blood! HA”

The three girls shared a worried glance. Without hesitation, they all bolted for the entrance out of the cave.

“NOT SO FAST!” One of the old ladies stood informing of them, tripping their feet so they would fall flat down on the cold, hard, rocky floor.

They felt themselves being dragged backwards towards the bubbling cauldron. With the tow old ladies strength, they hoisted the three girls up and danglers them above the cauldron about to drop them in.

Then, without any reason, they did indeed drop them in, transferring the gooey, green liquid of the witches blood into Sophie, Abby, and Brooke.


Two boys rode their bikes past the main road glancing at the trees on the sides of themselves. One boy abruptly stopped making the other boy stop too. “What is it Mike?” Asked the boy, curious. “It’s- nothing. Just, that cave-“ “Ohhhhh yeeeaahh. That’s where those three girls got lost. Some say they were eaten by bears. But some also say they were tortured by witches..” Mike shook of his goosebumps and put his feet one the pedals. “Wow. Weird and scary. Whatever happen to those people?”

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