Write a poem forgiving someone who hurt you or your character.
The One Who Was Forsaked
She was a little girl
Looking for a father
She could bother with her love
She was forsaken at a early age
Different Development Stages
She Hit Drugs , Pills With Age
Sleeping Pills, Weed , You Name It
Different Substances She’d Take
Her Parents Couldn’t See
That She Was Calling Out With Each Attempt
That Got Overlooked Again & Again
There Came A Man Who Walked This Earth
He Was Called To Be The Savior For The Whole World ...
She Took His Hand And Her Tears Covered His Wings,
His Name Is Jesus , Her Everything
While Taking His Hand The Child Looked Back
She Forgave The People She’d Love The Most
The Ones Who Forsaked Each Chance They Had
She Took His Hand Leaving The Past
Slowly ... She’d Forgive Her Parents For Not Fighting For Her Last .