The Room

The door had a myriad of stickers and tickets stuck to it. Like a warning to trespassers and a welcome to allies. Tickets to shows, theatre and cinema, this person is evidently quite cultured. A plastic wallet to a club. Souvenir coins that have been squashed with landmarks of other countries. An old membership card to a running club. This door paints a picture of what I should expect inside. I open the door carefully and I am greeted with a crowded room. It has a lot going for it. When I thought the door could be a warning, I wasn’t wrong. The door was just the top of the iceberg. I felt myself sinking into a trance as my mind tried to process what I was looking at.

Immediately before me was a display of trinkets. A plethora of statues, anime characters and two identical figures of a blonde man who jiggled in beach shorts when sun touched the solar panel. Unfortunately, no sun was reaching them and they stood like the other.

To my right, like an exhibition at a small gallery, there were postcards of various sports. It was like an homage to exercise and perhaps something the occupant of this room would want to strive for in their own physical development.

To my left. There are video games and books that are creating a Great Wall against the sun and between the set of windows is a tower of caps that have a variety city names. Probably places visited

There is so much content in this room that I suddenly become lethargic and lose the ability to stand. I move over to the closest support which was the rainbow striped covers on the bed.

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