A dog turns up at a police station with a note attached to its collar. The note is from the nation's most wanted man.
Continue the story. Create a note that would grab the reader's attention.
Juan’s Game
On Thursday, the 23rd of June, a Pug in a bow tie sprinted through the entrance of the Celestial City precinct. “Reginald? What are you doing here?” Said Officer Mulligan. “I left you at home.”
Picking up the dog, he reached under the bow tie to find a note. It read, “Read the entire note before you speak to anyone. I’m sure you’re curious why your perro would drop out of the blue. My name is Juan Martino, the bomber. Quietly walk to your car in the next ten minutes, and my explosive personality will stay in check. Leave me hanging, and the entire station will be blown to kingdom come. And bring the perro. I owe him a treat.”
Mulligan put the note in his pocket. Holding the dog, he walked out of the police station to find Juan in a Yankees cap on his Buick Lesabre’s hood.
“No sudden moves.” Said Juan. He waved a pen with red button in the air.
“What do you want with me?” Said Mulligan. He put down Reginald.
“I’d like to turn myself in.” Said Juan. He tossed the dog a bone shaped treat.
“After all that? Are you sure you aren’t going to force me to help you?” Said Mulligan. “You sent my dog in to get me. You threatened to blow the precinct to kingdom come. You commanded me out here. And now, you just want me to cuff you and walk you in?”
“Yes, that’s about the shape of it.” Said Juan. “The pen is just for show. I figured this was the best way to turn myself in without getting shot.” He stood, put out his hands and smiled. “Cuff me.”
“What if I refuse? What if I just shoot you? I don’t think anyone would blame me. People have died.” Said Mulligan.
“That’s why your dog is here. You wouldn’t shoot me in front of poor Reginald, would you?” Said Juan.