Submitted by anonymous user

In a world where mages are at the top, I am the most powerful of them all. They don’t know so, therefore they treat me like a filthy commoner. If only they knew I have the power to end them all at the tip of my finger....

Write a story based on this setting

The Value of Knowledge

For as long as the kingdom of Aros has stood the mages have been in power. Our society is entirely reliant on magic in-fact, most of the citizens owe their lives to the mages of the Council. I once knew the mages well though I was ostracised the moment they realised what I was capable of. I lost the trust of all the people of Aros that day.

Instead of wallowing in pity and regret I decided to do something worthwhile. When the city of Aros was constructed by the powers of us mages a deal was made. The four of us made a vow to each other that the true purpose of the city would never be revealed, that was about to change. However I would need a solution to the city’s secret and it wasn’t going to be easy to obtain.

Far into the mountains that surrounded Aros there was said to be a relic of great power. No one would dare tread into those lands out of fear for the stories that permeated the city. Stories of monsters, giants made of stone and dragons who swallow you as soon as they catch a glimpse of you. I however know of secret paths to take and tunnels built by the ancient races that no longer exist in this world.

I began my journey into the mountains not long after my exile. It was a trip no one else had made and I knew that my abilities would be integral to my survival. My first obstacle would be the stone giants that roamed the mountains. On rare occasion I would catch an unnatural movement of stone in the corner of my eye, at this moment I would remain still. I waited until I saw the creature move away, I knew stone giants only took interest in movement due to their lacking senses. You see the one thing that would get me through this was my knowledge, something that I valued above my magical abilities.

As I passed the giants I came to the base of a great mountain, this was where a tunnel was hidden. I felt the stones around me until one stood out to me. One of the stones was slightly warmer then the rest I knew this was the answer to the puzzle. By pressing my weight into the stone it began to shift and with a click a passage was revealed. I felt glad that I valued the books in the great library more then my colleagues who when all that they wanted was theirs felt no need to pursue further studies.

As I travelled through the tunnel darkness engulfed me I cast a spell that granted me night vision. The tunnel felt endless but after hours of walking I saw light ahead of me. As I got closer I saw that the light was emanating from a large crystal. This was what I was searching for, this is the solution I was after.
