A person realises that their partner is involved in a cult, and is slowly trying to indoctrinate them...
The Celes Initiative
Hey Babe, it’s me. Please, please come home soon… I miss you so much.
Love you forever and always,
Hey… sorry it’s been so long. My boss had to keep me longer than I thought to get the big project done. I know, I know, the curiosity is killing you. I wish I could tell you, but they’re all but sworn us to secrecy. It’s huge, and I know you’ll understand in time.
Love you back,
Wow, it sounds like you certainly have your hands full! You know me too well. I have been dying to know. Just… tell me someday, ok?
Love you past the moon,
So this might sound totally crazy to you, but I can’t not tell you anymore. I really need you to believe me.
Love you solar systems,
I can handle it. Promise. And I have a bit of a surprise for you when you get back, too!
Love you galaxies,
You don’t know how much of a relief it is to get this off my chest. Ok… here goes. So the big project I’ve been working on is called the Celes Initiative. We believe we have the technology necessary to harvest stars. This is why I couldn’t tell you. If this got out, we could be in serious danger. There are many who would want to weaponize such an ability. We can’t let that happen. This could be world ending.
Love you like a supernova,
Wow… I am at a loss for words. This is HUGE. I’m so happy for you Hel! How did you guys figure this out? Actually nevermind, that’s probably top secret too. What does the company want to use it to do? And I want you safe… I can’t imagine harvesting a star comes without danger. Be careful. I need you.
Love you more than a black hole could drown out,
Hey, so the Initiative actually approved my request for you to come visit. I sent your info through background checks, and you’re all clear to come. I attached your train ticket to the envelope. I can’t wait to see you and show you around! I wish I could tell you more… maybe when you get here.
Love you light years,
That was fast! I wish you’d talked to me first… I was supposed to babysit your niece on Friday, but I suppose I’ll make it work. Nevertheless, I can’t wait to hug you. We’ve spent far too much time apart. The ticket says a location, but it’s nowhere on the maps… what’s going on? Don’t bother writing back, I won’t get it until after I’m supposed to go.
Love you like a supercluster,