Submitted by Daniel Kween

Write a story based on the theme of "Light"
The Monster In The Dark
The last stair screams as I step on it, the sound sending a shiver up my spine. I hated the basement with everything I had, and that was a lot. It was so, dark and would always make the weirdest and scariest noises. But of course tonight mom needed the flashlight. Ironic it was in such a dark place like this.
I make steady steps in the darkness, my ankle banging on some wooden thing and my arm hitting the wall. I lift my arm up as it it’d help, and surprisingly a beaded string touches my hand. Gripping it, I easily tug down, a sudden light bursting through the whole room. And what was in front of me was, it was nothing I’d ever seen before.
The first thing my eyes catch is the fangs, the bloody fangs growing out of its dark slime face. Its eyes are red, glowing so bright I can’t believe I couldn’t see it in the dark previously. It looks up from the box it was tearing open, it’s eyes catching me. A staring contest is the best way I can describe it, and I don’t dare move an inch nor does it.
I swallow thickly, placing a foot behind me. But just my luck, the wooden box I banged my ankle on is right there, grubbing me with a loud clang! of boxes and metal.
I don’t have time to process my thoughts as it lurches at me. A scream rips through me as its fangs bite down.