In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?


“Ok, I guess we're really doing this?” waking up as some old guy with a a beard, who apparently taught Alexander The Great! Said Raven, waiting to be called out on the stage.

hundreds of people would be looking up to Raven, staring at her like she's some great man… which she is in their eyes. A 20-year-old woman, that goes to a community college, and is a part-time waitress. Now have to go up and pretend to be someone she’s not.

What looks like a confident, strong man, is a small-town girl with just her dreams. A simple girl who also has stage fright…will now have to face her fears.

“Oh my God, they called my name, well my new name. Maybe I should go out there, and picture everyone in their underwear?” Said Raven, hoping it’s not just stage talk.

everyone is standing up and clapping, with excitement. Here is Raven's big change to impress everybody, hell impress herself.

“This beard is itchy, how does they keep it on their face?” said Raven.

“_Good morning ladies, and gentlemen. I thank you all for joining us today, and listening to an old man like me.” _



The crowd laughed at Raven's light joke to ease the tension.

“Wow, that was pretty funny if I say so myself, I got them right where I want them,” Raven said in her mind.


_“I don't want to make this too long, but I have some encouraging words, to help you all with your journey through life_.”

“_I was you once, young, and started at 17 years old. I have experienced a lot in life, things I regret and things I don’t regret. Just do it anyway, but be wise with your next mistake.”_


_“The people that I have known gave me great _

_knowledge. everything must be balanced in life.”_


Raven has done something she never thought she would be able to do, and that were to speak and stop caring about criticism. Anybody can motivate anybody. Educating your mind and educating others, can make a mark.


_“Yes, I'm a Philosopher but I have been in that same chair, so remember this, CHOICE, NOT CHANGE DETERMINES YOUR DESTINY.”_

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