Write a story or poem about someone doing something for charity.
Alternatively, you could explore the overall theme of charity more generally.
A Legacy To Protect
I cautiously lay the blood red wreath on the grave, as burning hot tears escape my now dead and cold eyes. Dad how could you leave me? I think silently as John lays another newly made wreath on my fathers grave, before hugging me softly.
Yet I’m not crying anymore, for I know What I must do, what Dad would want me to do.
So I stride away, my head pointed high, as I must be brave, for myself, for my family, and for him.
I close the book gently. Great, Great, Great Grandmothers Journal seems to stare back at me, it’s eyes harshly judging.
For I know what I must do, Julia never did get to reach her goal, she was brutally murdered before she had the chance, so now it’s my job.
56 million pounds just lies lifeless in my camping bag, a 56 million pounds that now has a crucial chance to do something good for the people out there in this world.
I take in a huge gasp of air before quickly snapping on my neon green high heels on my feet.
See Julia’s mission was a good one, she wanted to donate all that she had for a charity, the charity that helped her father.
George Burke had been dyslexic since childhood and the brotherhood of the poor had graciously helped him.
Therefore, Julia had seen it has her life’s legacy to help the magical charity grow, and now it was mine.
Dixie wouldn’t be happy, nor would Brenny, they wished to greedily keep this money for themselves, but now I can’t care less.
Before striding out of the old mansion, I stare one more at the crooked journal and somehow it’s eyes now seem less harsh and cold, but I see somewhere a hint of light, through the darkness of this one forgotten day........