Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".

In the mirror of time.

Time snuggles and lulls us to sleep, unaware of the toll we must pay. Slowly the moments ebb away, like puppets we dance to times little play. Once babes held in a mother’s embrace, now we struggle to find our way through life’s little race. Our bodies wear the scars of the hardships we face. When finally we turn to the mirror to see a figure staring back unrecognizably. Where did time go? All the memories now fade, once a child but now starting to grey. The loss of time weighs on your chest, suffocating and grasping for one easy breath. Time slipped away without warning and abandoned us here, lost in desperation at the loss of the years. Please listen; please hear what I say, don’t take for granted the years of your youth. Make the most of each second and take time to breath, let yourself stop and just be. Don’t look in the mirror and hate what you see, but look and smile and say “that’s me”.
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