My pet bear

Pet bear barn hunting ten

It was a cold December morning when i decided to go hunting with my pet dog. As I prepared my things for the day ahead I realized I left my gun in my barn. I quickly got dressed as I was running late it was already a quarter to ten, when suddenly I heard a noise and it was a bear, a bear cub that is. It was the cutest thing in the world, i then heard the growl of the baby bears mother looking for her cub. I wasn’t sure on what actions to take next when mama bear saw me, we made eye contact. I don’t know it’s just me but it felt as if we connected, i wanted to let her to know she was safe and she wanted me to know she didn’t want to hurt me she just wanted to her baby. she allowed me to slowly rise and back away as she came closer and picked up her cub. I decided that day i no longer wanted to hunt, who was i to decide when their life would end when i had no part on their creation...
