Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.

She Barked At The Hero

Bailey barked. She barked at me.

'Shh,' I said, holding my hands out. She had never barked at me before.

I crouched low, making myself as non-threatheing as possible.

A low growl emerged from her throat.

'Shh,' I repeated. 'It's okay girl.'

I'd dealt with a bank robbery and a fire so far today, and then on my way to change, I'd noticed Bailey. Out on the street and alone.

She was supposed to be safe inside our flat. Not out here where anything might happen to her.

Bailey growled again.

'Easy girl, it's me.' I touched my chest.

Bailet backed up, one paw stepping into the street. Cars swoshed past behind her. She didn't recognise me.

Eyes were watching me. I could feel them, wondering what their hero was doing crouched on the pavement, pleading with a small poodle.

Bailey had never seen me in my costume before, and the mask I wore... Well, it had a reputarion for inspiring fear. I was also covered in quite a bit of dust, sewer water and smoke. Probably masked my scent from her.

Taking care to stay low, I inched forward, palms up. Bailey took another step back.

I stopped. I'd never had a friend like Bailey before.

Though it went against my instincts, I took a step back.

Bailey barked again, but she didn't advance.

'Do you see who that is?' Someone whispered behind me. I ignored them. They probably had their phones out and readily clicking photos.

'Hey girl, shh. You know me.' Bailey kept on growling, it wasn't working.

'He should leave the poor dog alone.' A woman to my left said to her companion, who murmured their assent. I shot them a filthy look, not that they could see it behind my mask.

Bailey's gaze began to waver. She'd never been a fan of crowds, and a crowd was exactly what was beginning to form behind me.

I had to get out of here. If tomorrow hwadline read 'Local superhero harasses tiny poodle'. That would be bad for my reputation. The city only cared for me as long as I generated good press. Heck, I'd saved a kid from the fifth floor of a burning building this morning, and waded through a sever to catcth a robber today. All that would pale compared to this story.

'Bailey,' I whispered. 'Let's go home girl. Have some of that bacon you like.'

It wasn't working. Bailey barked two snap barks, and then she did the worst thing possible. She turned and ran straight out into the middle of the road.

I looked up. Tires screeched. Cars honked. In my mind I saw the horror. They wouldn't be able to stop in time.

I dived after Bailey. By the way, did I mention that I'm a superhero? I'm a big muscly guy with superpowers. Right now, that meant I'm fast. Like really fast. Superfast.

In the moment between moments when the car and Bailey should have met (massacred my dog), I happened.

In the next moment, Bailey were in my arms and we were on the other side of the road.

Bailey howled in terror or anger. I'm not sure. Then she went wild, trying to get out of my grasp.

'It's me, Sasha,' I said in her ear. Then I did something loving, or just very stupid. I lifted my mask for her to see my face.

I don't know how to best describe her joy, but if a dog can 'whoop' that's what she did, licking my face all over. Bailey was safe.

A camera clicked. Fuck. A swift motion brought my mask down again. Bailey didn't care now, just snuggled up in my arms, and then I sped away from the scene.

The headline the next morning, read: 'Local hero got a soft spot.' In the attached photo I looked ridiculous in my getup with Bailey happily assaulting my mostly hidden face. Underneath, a quote from the little boy I'd saved earlier, 'I'm also gonna get a poodle.'

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