Submitted by writerperson

'He will give you death, and you will love him for it.'

Use this sentence as the main theme for a story, or a line within it.

A Mother’s Unconditional Love

Magnus pulled the coins out of his pocket and paid the peddler for the handful of flowers he had selected.

He grinned and told the old man, “They’re for Miss Ida.”

The old man smiled bittersweetly. "I remember Miss Ida when she was younger. Happiest creature the world ever saw.“ The man’s face suddenly darkened, "That dang boy has none of her and all of his father in him. She’s better off without him. Ya hear what he just did?”

Magnus felt his blood boil and fearfully asked, “No, what is it this time?”

The man spat on the ground, “He killed a man. They were both drunk and got into a disagreement. Emil lost his temper and next thing you know he’s beating the life out of the other guy. He ran right after he relaized what he did. I have a feeling he’s gone for good this time. At least now Ida doesn’t have to defend him anymore.”

“Yeah good thing,” but Magnus wasn’t really listening anymore. He had to get to Ida. Ida had gone through so much pain and heartbreak. Her first husband had mistreated her until his dying breath leaving her with an out of control kid. He followed in his father’s footsteps and was usually doing something dangerous or illegal. Usually both. But Ida loved that boy. Ida’s life revolved around her troubled son of nineteen years.

Magnus ran to her house on the edge of town. Ida was something of a cloister, and she avoided unnecessary interaction with people in town. They tended to judge her quite harshly for who her son was.

Magnus pounded on the door. The door flew open instantly and Ida was speaking in a panic. “I put togheter some food for a couple days, and I grabbed some money…”

Ida just blinked when it was Magnus who faced her. “Oh.”

Magnus was confused but he still held the flowers firmly in his hand. “I um got these for you.”

Ida smiled feebly instead of her usual blush at Magnus’s attentions. “Thank you. They are lovely. I think you should go now.”

Magnus’s focus snapped back and he questioned Ida’s nervousness. “Why?”

Ida covered hastily, “Oh I’m just expecting an old friend to pay a visit.”

Magnus’s eyes darkned. “Ida no. Don’t let him come here. He went too far this time. There is nothing more you can do for him.”

Ida immediately broke down in sobs, realizing that Magnus was on to her. “I can’t stop. I won’t stop. I will never give up on him.”

Magnus entered the house and led Ida to a chair. He spoke gently but firmly, “Ida, he will give you death, and you will love him for it.”

Ida wiped her face and let out a hysterical laugh. “Yeah? Well my life is his for the taking then. You wouldn’t understand.”

Magus begged Ida with his voice. “Ida, please. I know what it’s like to love someone who is hurting, but some people are past help.”

Ida stared blankly into the fire. “If Emil is lost, then I am lost too.”

“No Ida you’re not. I love you, and I won’t give up on you.”

Ida raised her brows, “Ah so maybe you do understand a little.”

A knock on the door interrupted them. Ida flew to the door. Magnus stayed rooted where he was. He faintly heard Emil crying, “Mom I messed up bad this time. I’m so so sorry. I don’t know how to fix it. I never meant for this to happen.”

Ida embraced her son, “Shh it’ll be okay. Here I put together a few things for you. It’s time for you to get a brand new start. You need to go, they’ll come looking here again soon.”

Emil mumbled an unitelligable piece of speech. Ida answered in turn, “Hey, hey. None of that. I love you now and forever.”

And then he was gone, but never far. Magnus was always there to pick up the pieces doing all he could to make sure the heartbreak Emil caused her was not fatal. Magnus stayed quiet becuase liked Ida said, maybe he couldn’t understand it.

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