The Missing Socks

I am kallia from California and I am 7 years old, my parents always say where do all the socks go, I always know the answer but I never tell them. All of the socks go to my best friend, his name is dandelion. I don’t really know what he is, he is a yellow fluffy thing, with the softest fur, a green long tail with koala ears, and purple feet. But he loves socks he wears them on his feet, he has them on his hands, and he has one on his tail. He also made a blanket and a pillow out of socks, he lives in. My room and he sleeps under my bed. I don’t tell my parents about him because they would kick dandelion out of the house. He is a little bit hard to hide because sometimes he has scraps of socks everywhere. So I have to pick them up. He also has a big bushy tail that sometimes sticks out of under my bed. So I just quickly through a blanket over his tail. He dose t talk very much so I taught him sign language. He knows that pretty well. It’s good having dandelion around. The only downside to haveing him is he takes all of the socks.

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