What Even Is Love?

The bar. My favorite place to relax after a long day. My particularly favorite spot is a lengthy table along an equally lengthy window, giving me a wonderful view of the city down below. Today one of my more aquaited colleagues joins me as we wind down for the day. We were enjoying the regular sounds day three of seven had normally brought about. That was until the sound of my felian friends voice broke our comfortable silence.

“Human, may I ask you to explain an earthling concept? I’ve never heard of such curious things such as ‘love’. My kind understand your reasons for unions or ‘marriage’ as you call it. But i am unfamiliar with this ‘love’.”

I smiled and looked at my colleagues, curious expression as they sat perched on their bar stool while resting their head on one hand as they absentmindedly stir their drink with their straw.

“What has you so curious Fel? Your species is hardcore against such ‘make-believe’ things. Hmmm?” I enjoyed teasing them and they did the same. Our species had many differences, but luckily, humour still tranlated. This colleagues species were called the Felians, we had no words for what it means exactly but as far as i understood it meant proud. Which they were a very proud race, as well as efficient and intelligent. They weren’t a very emotional bunch though. Very logical, literal and morally neutral. ‘Do what’s best for us, as well as those we come across’ kind of attitude. I related to it so i found them pleasant to be around.

“I do not appreciate your mockery. Just humour me for one moment. ‘Truce’ as you humans say. I’m truly curious, you know how my kind do things. Sometimes i find myself wondering what your human customs would be look like for us. You tell me of these ‘romantical’ stories and i wonder if we too can make such complex bonds with our chosen mates. If having these bonds truly make two individuals become truly complete. While my kind think they can simply use a union to benefit the socail standing of the pair and the families that are united.” They stopped and continued stirring their drink with a solemn look on their face.

“Uh, forgive me, you just took me by surprise as I’ve never heard of a Felian even entertaining the idea.”

I took a second to sip my drink as i think of how to start.

“How do you know your feeling it? And what kind of feeling even is it?”

“Hmm, it looks and feels different for many who are lucky enough to experience it. But it all starts with a want.”

“A want? What does that mean? What kind of want?” They asked as they made a scrunched face and turned their head to look at me.

Taking a second to observe them I look at my own drink and start stirring slowly. Taking another sip before a start and savouring the taste as i swallow and lick my lip, reminiscing over a different time in my life.

“A want that starts small at first, in fact for some love has nothing to do with it at the start. Attraction maybe, but sometimes love itself take time to take root.”

“To take root? Is it a plant?”

*sigh* “That was a metaphor, my bad. It’s similar in concept. A tree for example. That first tiny, barely noticeable want is the seed. It’s gets buried in your heart.”

“Okay, then how does it grow? And my understanding is that trees take a long time to grow? Does it take that long if it didn’t already exist?”

“For some it does take a long time. For others it can be much faster. For reference, instead of a tree some experience it grow as quick a seasonal crop.”

“I see.” They look to be pondering tonight as the questions kept coming. “Have you ever felt it?”

We made eye contact as they asked. I held it for a few seconds contemplating if i wanted to share something so personal. Looking away to take another sip, i take a deep breath as i feel the warmth in my belly grow.

“Yes. Yes I have.” A soft smile came to my face as i remembered him fondly.

Adjusting themselves in their seat, i could feel their smile on me as they inquire more. “What was it like?”

I looked them in the eye and decided that i was ready to talk about him. I have always wanted my friend to consider the idea after all. They had an arranged union happening in one week and i could tell something was on their mind.

“It was pure satisfaction. We understood each other, our goals as well as expectations. I spent so long not even realizing that i needed him in my life before i met him.” Taking the last sip of my drink I cue the bartender to prepare me another as i finish speaking.

“How would you have known you needed him if you had not met him yet?” I could see them trying to understand but not quite getting there.

“I couldn’t have of course. He became such an important person to me. Someone i wanted to support in anyway i could. We started out as friends but i suppose i was attracted to him since the moment we met.”

“What’s this attraction you speak of? How is it different from love?”

“Attraction is mostly relevant to how appealing ones appearance is to another. It is more of a instinctual and physical desire. You can be attracted to someone and not actually love them. Love if more emotional, as you know. Do felians experience attraction?”

“In a way i suppose, we do have physiques and genetic traits we find more pleasant then others. The type one find appealing depends on what their families goals. A union is more for those who are looking to procreate, better their social standing or their business in some way. It is rarely heard of to create one for any other reason.”

“That explains a lot.” I say with a smile in an attempt to tease them a little again. Which got me a look that told me it worked. “Anyways love is, simply put, a strong and complex feeling that is hard to ignore once you become aware of it. It draws you to a person and sometimes you dont know why for a long time. Some become lovers or unionized soon after feeling are confessed. Some feel intimidated by it and wait, choosing to become friends before acting on it. Some even just start out as friends without feelings of love or attraction.” I paused to receive my drink from the waiter and take a sip before continuing.

“This sounds complicated and like a lot of unnecessary work. It sounds like feeling get in the way of something lovely if both parties dont feel the same way, does it not?” They asked as i put my glass down and started stirring my drink again to listen.

This question made me giggle a bit before i answered. “You’re absolutely right. But that’s why just like your unions, its important to be open about what you want. I know your species unions are not to be broken until death. Love is similar. It will stay with you until death. The stronger the love you feel, reciprocated or not, the impact on the heart stays for ever. Even if the memory gets tucked away as time passes. The heart never forgets one you have loved.”

“So do all humans experience love?” They ask starting out at the city below.

“At some point in their lives yes, they do. Whether it be family love or love from friends as well as a partner, almost everyone human experiances love at some point in their lives.” Thinking about it had me remembering all i have loved in the past as well as now. I have definitely experienced my fair share of love. Silently reminiscing had me feeling grateful for the life i have lived.

“Does it really make you do foolish things? I heard it can turn those with the sharpest wit to do things they normally would not.”

These questions kept bringing a smile to my face, this is so out of character for this friend of mine. They have been acting strange as of late which is why I wanted to arrange this hangout. Usually they are so straight forward but right now i cant tell what is really on their mind.

“Do you mind if i ask what brought on this sudden curiousity?”

“I do.” They said as they took a bigger swig of their drink. “I will allow it though.” They took a deep breath before finishing their drink and asking for another. “I have been experiancing things that i have never encountered before. Something that i believe is similar to this ‘love’ you humans have.”

My jaw dropped. Excitement exploded inside me as my curiosity and a twinge of something else had me almost gasping way too loud for the quite environment around us. They held there hand up to stop me from interrupting as they wanted to continue. I immediately shut my mouth and took a sip of my drink nodding at them to continue.

“I wasn’t sure at the start, as you know i have never believed in such… feelings. But this tiny want you speak of, i think i have felt it…. I admit with shame as to my understanding it should a feeling felt towards your betrothed. I fear that is not the case here.” They took a sip of their new drink and took another deep breath.

“Respectfully, may i ask who?” I’ve known them for six years now and not once have they ever shown a tiny bit of curiosity and now they are telling me they not only believe the feelings to be real, that they themselves are experianceing them… for another.

They didn’t answer for a second before nodding slowly still looking out the window. I didn’t want to rush them so i stayed quite while slowly and continuously taking tiny sips from my drink as i waited in anticipation not taking my eyes off them.

They brought their strong arms up and rested their elbows on the table while holding their head to rest in their hands. Rubbing their eyes and running their hands back through their hair, they drink their entire new drink before taking a couple more deep breaths while looking out the window, these ones i sensed were to deal with the burn of the strong liquor making its way down their throat.

We held eye contact and i saw their eyes soften as they continue staring and their raised hand was put on their knee. Normally this didn’t effect me in anyway but the alcohol and the surprise of this conversation as well as this unknown look on their face made me feel some things. They were fully facing me now. I’ve always been attracted to them, i enjoyed our banter. We were both straight forward, and despite being from different cultures, we have a lot in common. But i knew how they felt and what they believed so i am confident they became a good and true friend throughout the years.

“As you know i learn all i can of the new races that join the United Galaxies. It is a passion of mine and has been ever since i could remember. While my species usually find themselves to be of a higher means then others, i have never quite felt the same in that regard. But I still hold my cultures traditions and customs quite close to my heart. Learning about your culture made me learn something about myself that i didn’t know was possible. With much thought and consideration i think…. I love you.”

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