All Fun And Games

Sitting down at the desk labeled with my name a voice sounds out over head.

“Welcome all you lucky folks,” a jolly sort of girl sang. “Welcome to the valley games.”

She sounds so happy to be here. Sat to ether side of me is another person. One a ginger woman with doted skin and goldish eyes. The other a ravenette dark skinned man with a blind fold for some reason.

Out of no where the voice drops down with stile in front of our podium. she looks like a kid dipped and swirled in pastel rainbows.

“As you know my name is Penny McFransin and I’ll be your fabulous favourite host for the evening.”

This hole thing just gives me the chills. I don’t ever remember signing up for this.

“Now let’s head in up and meet today’s contestants.”

Oh shoot ms Rainbow harlequin’s coming what’s going on. “Introducing contestant number one, Emma Maylor,” hole light show goes off over the red head. Guess her name is Emma. “Contestant number three Ro-ro-Rowan Cartaki,” a similar bount of lights go off. so… his name is Rowan. Or do I ad the extra ro,s. I’ll figure it out later “and finally contestant number two, Scott Scott!”

Ugh I hate my name. My turn for the lights though so. Wait a minute right hand why are you waving. Stop it. One more tick to the somethings off board.

“Now for those of you at home here’s how today’s game is gonna work. Penny said as enthusiastic as she’s been. “Our lovely three cone heads will have to put there cone heads together to solve as many questions they can in fifteen minutes,” she dips her voice down a few notches “and then the chase is on.”

Oh if that’s not ominous. Again I did not sign up for this.

“Okay Ro-ro-Rowan you’re up first.” Oh that’s his real name. “If you were to take a perplexed purple kite for a flight how long will lo be red?” Penny said in a bubbly quizzical tone.

What in the…?

“A perplexed purple kite will be red for eight grams of sugar if you take it for a flight.”

How in the…?

“That is correct”

If that’s how we’re playing I’m screwed.

“Next it’s Emma’s turn. Emma what is the ignonian word for gloof?”

Now we’re on foreign languages.

“Gloof in ignonian would be tioni.”

I dropped out of language school.

“Very good you must be fluent.” Penny complaints.

“I am I studied the language for a good most of my life.”

I’m last then okay game show lady bring it on.

“Now Scott you get one of the hardest questions.” Bring it what craziness is this.

“Scott, what is, 3 x 6?”

Oh my god are you kidding me.

“3 x 6 is 18” I say loud and proud.

“That is correct” air horns go off and the sound of hands clapping chimes along. That was far to easy. The quiz continues similarly for the next ten minutes, or five hours. Who’s to say really but then a loud almost overwhelming SCREEEEECH blasted out around the stadium.

“Oh look at that, that’s time peeps.” Penny quickly blurts out, leaving the podium she climbs back on her stage.

“Seems it’s time for the main event. To all those at home here’s how it works. Our three contestant will race through the, Maze, of, Suffering!!! And for each question they got right in the quiz round they get a Help Line! First one to the finish line wins.” She in her best host voice says to the invisible crowd.

Woo now I actually kinda get this hole game thing. What a relief to actually know what’s happening

“Also Bedoy here will be chasing them so there’s, you know, a bit more, action.” Damb it I let my guard down.

“Anyway contestants your time is up. Get on your mark,” without thinking my body moved to a sprinters crouch. “Get set,” I see the others meet me in the line.

“GOOO!!!” Penny shouts shooting a bubble pistol she just had on her As the three make there mad dash into the mossy mix of stone and brick.

“Oh they better run.” Penny says in her lowest vibration of a voice, chuckling to herself as she flutters off away to her pent house.

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