Write a short fight scene between two characters, where neither of them say anything negative to each other.

Nobody Nose

“Can you toss me that blanket, babe?” “Of course, you cold, hon?” He hands me the light throw off the back of the couch. “So cold! I can feel my nose getting cold.” “What do you mean?” “I mean, my nose is cold.” “Yeah, but you can’t feel the cold with your nose.” “What? Of course I can!” “No you can’t. You could touch your nose with your finger and feel that it’s cold with your finger, but you can’t feel the cold with your nose.” I curl my knees up under the blanket and stare at him. “Um, yes I can. I don’t have to touch my nose with my finger to know it’s cold. I can feel that it is cold.” “I’m pretty sure you don’t have the nerve endings on your nose that would register the cold.” I think I see a faint glimmer of teasing in his eyes. “You’re kidding me, right?” “I mean, maybe you’re special, but you can’t feel cold with your nose.” “You absolutely can!” He shakes his head at me, “Oooookay” The hint of sarcasm slides under my skin, tugging the irritation into my voice. “Come on, you have to be messing with me. You don’t actually think that I can’t feel the fact that my nose is cold.” “I mean, I believe that you think you can feel it.” “Well isn’t that gracious of you?” He can see the heat rising to my face. “Aw, babe don’t be like that.” “I can feel when my nose is cold.” “Of course you can, dear.” “Just…ugh. I can!! I can feel my damn nose when it is cold.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Say it!! Say I can feel when my nose is cold.” “You can feel when your nose is cold.” “I’m gonna punch your nose and I am going to bet you can feel that.” “Punching is different.” “I cannot fathom how.” “Fine, dear, you can feel cold with your nose…my magical baby.” He reaches forward and tweaks my nose. “I hate you.” “No, you don’t.” “No, I don’t.” He sits down next to me and I snuggle up to him. I lean over and nuzzle his warm neck with my cold nose.
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