by Ricarda Wegmann @

Write a story set in an eco-friendly future.
Across Section #3
Woah, so this is what’s on the other side of the wall. It’s so pretty, and there’s so many plants. It looks overgrown, but it’s definitely on purpose. For as long as I can remember, everyone has always been told they should never climb or go across the wall unless told to do so. Every 2 months, someone does. The government sends a paper to their house. The paper says the full name, what section to climb over, and the exact date and time you will do it. It’s usually 2 to 3 days after you get the letter. This time, it was me. My paper said: Nase (middle and last name), Section #3, January 27 at 11:57pm. Which meant I had to time it correctly so I was at the top at exactly 11:57pm. Now for a little more information about this whole thing. Every 2 months, the smartest person under the age of 19 gets chosen. They have to have straight A’s, never gotten into trouble, and most importantly, you can never have stood out, or been popular of any sorts. They always choose the least expected person. Also, you can’t tell anyone you got the letter, and you can’t say goodbye to anyone either. Once you leave, you make sure to put the letter on your bed and leave as quiet as you can. Since no one knows what’s on the other side of the wall, i was kinda scared. Guess everything will be okay though. Someone came to the top of the wall, where I was standing. Kassy? She was picked about a year ago. She told me she will show me around and what there is. This place looks really fun. So much studying and nice jobs. Mostly jobs you have to be really smart to be in. I think I’ll absolutely love it here.