Write a poem that centers around a woman.

The woman can be anyone you choose, ficitional or real. Is it a family member? A role model? Your favourite character? Or one of your own characters?

She is truly beautiful

She is truly beautiful.

Long black hair that bounced dutiful on her shoulders.

Eyes that were spiteful, with a deep menacing blue. Reminding me of a lagoon with Duden secrets.

It was quite wasteful, however.

Every time she walked into the small cafe men got a mouthful of her appearance.

Her body was striking. If only she would wear something more revealing.

Instead her body was covered with hoodies and a long pair of baggy pants.

Yet, she was intriguing.

Intriguing she was as she hid in the corner of the cafe. A gloom of mystery leaning on her shoulder. You could almost watch the thoughts crashing like waves through her eyes.

I wanted to talk to her and take a glimpse under the thick gloom. To hear her voice instead of just watching from afar. Was the sound joyful or peaceful?

I sighed, knowing I’ll never know. Nonetheless I’ll go home, the thought still lingering in my mind even if it wasn’t meaningful.

“You crazy bitch!”

I looked around at the quiet street. Eyes narrowing at the nearest alleyway in front of me. I run to the place, skidding to a spot in complete mesmerization.

A young male was hanging on the wall. Long, rotting claws gripping the boys throat. Pointed fangs (slightly tainted with blood) poked out of the captors mouth; and they had a hurricane crashing through their eyes.

The lady dropped the boy at my appearance. Her shoes sloshed with the blood one the ground. Each step she took the quicker the current of my blood became.

She stopped in front of me.

My heart skipped a beat

She placed a tentative hand on my shoulder, “Men get so full off women these days-“ she growls. Her face turning into an ugly scowl, “,but they don’t realize that we’re getting hungry too.”

She is truly beautiful.

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