Write the story that led to this image
Forest Whispers
It started when I began to fetch water from the nearby river. Our well wasn’t working properly so I was tasked with making the journey to and from the river at least twice a day. Mother was worried that my health may deteriorate with carrying the heavy load daily as I was already prone to sickness. However, Mother and my oldest brother are busy on our farm and things have been busier since my younger brother went off into the city to help bring money in. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to leave the mundane minor chores around the chores and sewing as to not exert myself. I’d feel more useful doing something more proactive. After much convincing, Mother relented and allowed me to fetch water as long as I was not gone for more than two hours at a time and that I made it back before sundown.
The first day felt adventurous since I don’t typically stray too far from home without someone with me. The day was cloudy and it rained the night before. I was warned the night previous from Mother about the rising waters of the river. However, like the optimistic fool I was, I was too distracted with the forest’s beauty to notice the rock I used to stable my footing had loosened and fell into the river, taking me with it.
I braced myself for the chilled early spring waters when I felt and soft tug at my back. The force was enough to pull me and my pail in one swoop. I opened my eyes and slowly got up to see who pulled me from plunging into the deep waters. Strangely, not a soul was around. However, as a soft breeze fluttered about, I could have sworn I heard a voice say “Be safe”. I shook off the thought and quickly made my way back with a pail full of water in hand. Mother wasn’t too pleased about my dirtied clothes but I made the excuse that I had slipped on some mud on my way.
That night I couldn’t stop thinking about the force that pulled me out of harms way and the voice I thought I heard. I am not religious by any means but our family respects the Old Ways and the Elders. If, by any chance, it was a forest spirit that saved me, then I should return the favor of a small offering.
Next morning, I snuck some bread and cheese into my sack and made my way out for the first trip for water. I went back to the same place were I had pulled water. I looked to find a suitable place to put my offering. I remember Papa had once told us that forest spirits never wish to be seen but are always watching so that we must always respect the land as we are always observed. With that in mind, I settled for under a nearby shrub to place my offering of thanks. I placed the food under the shrub, whispered “Thank you”, and went to go fill up the pail. When I sank the pail into the water, there was a slight rustling from the shrub I just walked from.
When I got up from my spot, I set the pail down and peered closer into the shrub. There, my offerings I placed were no longer to be found. I left smiling, knowing I had made a friend within the forest.