“Today, class, I’m going to give you a very different sort of assignment."
Use this speech to direct the main plot of a story in any genre.
The Black Box
“Today, class, I’m going to give you a very different sort of assignment.”
My eyes widened. Today was the one day I had hoped to do something simple. I felt awful. My head ached, my arms felt limp, and my ribs were beyond sore.
All I wanted was to take it easy, but of course that wasn’t possible, was it? We just had to do something different. Unfamiliar.
I clenched my gut.
“Everyone go ahead and take out the small boxes we gave you in the beginning of the year,” the professor continued.
I heard my friend, Roger, violently rummaging through this knapsack. I turned around to look at him, sure not to disturb my achy ribs.
He kept frantically searching, not realizing I was watching him. His round, silver-rimmed glasses almost slid off of his nose multiple times, but his fingers were too quick for them to fall.
“Crap! I can’t… find it!” he mumbled to himself as he combed his fingers through his bleached hair in frustration.
I chuckled, hoping he would see the humor in this situation. He glared at me, jumping a little after realizing I had been watching him for quite some time.
He pulled his hands out of his rumpled bag and turned to face me.
“W-what are you looking at?”
I smiled, ”Do you need help?”
“No, I a-already checked the w-whole thing. I-it’s not in there.”
I quickly looked down at my bag and saw the the sparkling black box hidden between my English book and a calculator. I reached my arm in and pulled the box out, feeling it’s coldness in my hand.
“You can share mine,” I said to Roger, smiling.