“I warned my brother that not everyone liked his practical jokes.”
Write a story beginning with this sentence.
He Didn’t Listen
“I warned my brother that not everyone liked his practical jokes.” My voice was monotone. I held back every emotion I had. “I told him the first time he said he was planning on doing one in public but he didn’t listen, he never did.”
I gave a small laugh. “I remember when he first started doing pranks on his YouTube channel he wanted to do one on Dad. He wanted to pretend to have crashed his car and I told him not to, that Dad would give him into so much trouble. But he didn’t listen. He just laughed and promised it would be funny.”
I wiped at my eye, swiping away the tear before it could fall. “That’s all he wanted, to make people laugh, to make someone’s day better, even if only for a minute. That was both the best thing about him and the worst.” I could feel my eyes burning with tears.
“Before he did the video he told me his plan. I told him it was stupid and of course, he didn’t listen.” A tear fell from my eye, I didn’t wipe it away. It fell down my cheek and onto the floor. “He was the most kind, stupid and selfless person I’ve ever met. I loved him with my whole heart and I always will. My brother, Harry Michael James.”
I stepped down from the podium and back to my seat to watch the rest of the funeral.