Our Past (Marcus POV)

The high school reunion is today. God I’ve been dreading it. I’m only going because one of my old friends will be there. And then I’m out. Alright time to leave.

Well I’m here. At my old high school. And I’m already dreading it. I just want to leave. But I do want to talk to Tom.

I walk in and I see Tom right away, without looking at anyone else who’s here I walk up to him. He was married but they just got divorced. What a shame. He asks “Is Olivia seeing anyone?” I look at him curiously. He knows we used to go out, right? “Why?” He jokingly asks “Why, do you still have feelings for her?” I think about it for a second “I’m not sure, I haven’t seen her yet.” Tom grins as if he already knew. He points behind him and says “I’ll see you later?” I look behind me and Olivia is talking to someone I’m not sure who it apparently I’m supposed to go and talk to her according to Tom. I walk over to her just as whoever she was talking to turns around and leaves. She then turns around to face me the second I’m about to tap her shoulder.

Olivia. My ex. We broke up the beginning of senior year and got back together toward the end. That was so embarrassing. That whole speech I gave her. But hey, it worked.

*Flashback of when they got back together*

“No offense but you wrong.” She looked at me as if she didn’t believe me. “Wrong about what?” I look at her because I know it’s obvious. “Your wrong about us being in different paths. We’re not on different paths, because your my path. And your always gonna be my path.” She looks at me as though she’s sad. “Marcus stop, we can’t. . .” I cut her off, I don’t need her ruining this for me. “and I know there’s a million reasons why we shouldn’t be together, but I’m tired of them. I’m tired of every single one of them. And well, I gotta make a choice, and I choose you” I can’t believe I just said all that. I’m just glad no else is around. I mean I actually do feel this way, I just hope she knows. I mean I love her and she knows that now if she didn’t before. I can only hope and pray that she still loves me as well. She kissed me, and then we got back together. I guess it worked! “I love you” She tells me, no way, I’m the luckiest man on the earth! “I love you too.” I didn’t realize it would be as easy as that. -

*Flashback ends*

“H-How are you?” I stutter. God why can’t I even talk to her? “I’ve been better.” She says. I look at her feeling a little sad for her. “Why, is something bothering you?” She smiles at me. What could she possibly be smiling about? “Yeah but it’s nothing you can fix.” I feel a little disappointed, I just wanted to help. “Oh ok” There’s an awkward pause and then I decide to bring up what’s were both thinking about “Have you been seeing anyone since uh you know?” She looks up at me from the floor. “No, I haven’t been able to.” Wait what, she hasn’t been able to? What’s that supposed to mean? “What do you mean you aren’t able to?” I ask her “I just can’t bring myself to see anyone else. That’s all.” Huh. That’s weird, does that mean she wants to keep seeing me? “You know, you seem lonely. If you feel lonely you could be lonely with me?” She looks at me surprised. Now I know I messed up. “What? Lonely with you?” Oh god. I shrug my shoulders trying to play it cool “Yeah, unless I’m wrong and your not lonely at all.” There now she can say no without feeling bad. “No I-I am a bit lonely.” She says “Uh what about you? Have you been seeing anyone else?” Thank god she’s changing the subject “No I haven’t either. I’m not sure I can.” “Oh” That’s all she says. “Do you remember the time we jumped off that bridge together because Tom dared us to?” She says this with a smile on her face. I smile too “Yeah, I do. I remember thinking that was the best day of my life.” She looks at me as if she’s confused “Why?” “That was the day that’s you agreed to be my girlfriend.” Her smile gets the tiniest bit bigger, I’m glad that made her happy. “So, would you want to have dinner sometime?” Her eyes widen. God I knew that was stupid I should’ve never even asked. “Uh y-yeah. I’m free uh tonight actually, if that works for you.” I’m surprised she said yes! Yeah, tonight works, we could go out right after the reunion, if you want.” She smiles “Or, we could just go now!” She grabs my hand and runs out of the gym dragging my behind her. “You wanna take a tour of not only our high school but memory lane?” She asks putting her hand out. “Of course, My lady.” We spent just about all night remembering all the good times we had. We ended the night with dinner and then I drove her home. She gave me her new number at dinner. I’m gonna text her and ask her out again as soon as I get home. I just hope she says yes. If so this could be the continuation of a relationship that has been off for 6 years!

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