Some nights I lay silently on the grass and listen to the trees argue.
Some nights I lay silently on the grass and listen to the trees argue.
Their rustling leaves helps to take away my mind when it is all jumbled in one big mess.
The trees have survived so much more than me. Remembering that helps me to know that whatever troubles I have, I can get through.
My problems are so small in perspective to the large trees. The trees that have grown here for centuries.
They have witnessed wars, and hail, and fire. They have survived the strongest of winds and the fiercest of rains.
They have seen the most uninaginable.
So I can lay on my back and hear them argue, and let my troubles fade away.
The trees can be angry, but they are rooted and strong. And braved so much more than me.
So much more trouble and ache, and if they can survive all that pain, then so can I.