Submitted by Annelise Klopp
In a world of darkness, you must rely on your other senses to experience things.
Try to be as descriptive as possible about how you would live in this world.
Nothings As Relaxing As Fighting An Evil Witch
You might think that being attacked by a vengeful witch sending curses at you would be stressful. Me? I love it.
I step back into a calm stance, my sword extended before me. The witch snarls at me with long, yellowed teeth, before launching back into her unrelenting attack. I parry and dodge and lunge and stab and slice, breaking down the witches defence one swoosh of my sword at a time. I stay focused on the fight, never letting my thoughts wander. I focus on my breathing, and the air around me. Fighting is second nature for me, as a trained knight of the royal guard. The witch clearly is not. She swings her talons clumsily and her moth-eaten cloak snags on the shrubs around us in the forest clearing. The only thing keeping the blasted beast alive is her erratic explosions of magic, black and green swirls of death. If I can dodge her spells, I have nothing in my way to end the fight. I plant my feet on the mossy ground, ready to deliver the final blow. I twist to the side, raising my blade in the air, when I see a black and green blade- the witch’s last hope to survive- whirling towards me. I try and duck but it is too fast, and it seems that I am moving through treacle. I curse at my stupidity. ‘The stupid witch has time magic. Of course she does.’
While I am moving through slow motion, the witch can go at whatever speed she wants. Her magical blade soars right past my sword and-
Pain. And darkness. I can’t see anything but all I can feel is pain. I drop to the ground in agony, but I can’t even see my own body. The witches scratchy voice meets my ears.
“How you meant to fight if I’ve cut out your eyes, pretty?” I hear her laugh. “You can’t! Give up!”
My eyes are gone, but the rest of me is still in perfect working order. I inhale deeply, smelling the scents of the forest. I can hear birds chirping and trees creaking around me. I feel the moss I’m kneeling on, and taste the blood trickling into my mouth. I smile. It’s not over just yet.
“Thanks, actually,” I say to her. “Now I can fight you without having to see your disgusting face!”
The witch roars in anger and throws herself at me with renewed anger. I feel every whoosh of air and hear every footstep, and I duck and dodge accordingly. I even manage to begin attacking again, shredding her cloak and skin into ribbons. I jump to the side and twist my sword into her shins, bringing to her knees before me. I hear her pant, weak and tired while I stand above her, blind, bleeding and victorious.