Submitted by Aster
Write from the perspective of a character that has been experimented on their entire life.
Consider how they view themselves, and how they feel about the world, after the extensive modification of their body.
Cruelness Of Man
One finger that’s how it started
You said one and they would survive
What can a father do
When all options have been taken from you
No fingers left now
But at least they are fed
My left leg gave us enough
For the hard winter months
Now summer’s approaching
And I don’t know how to give more
But now the cycle never ends
After every step a new threat
I hope one day they will look back
No embarassed by the imbecile I’ve become
I bled out of love
They are too young to understand that
One day they might
As long as they are free
There is not a single regret my heart beats
For out of my flesh they were made
How could I not give my flesh
to keep them safe
What a harsh world this has become
May their little bodies stay untarnished
By the cruelness of man