Write a story about a wild bachelorette party beginning in media res.

'In media res' refers to starting a story at the chronological middle of the plot. What elements will you need to incorporate to ensure the plot still makes sense?

Bachelorette Mystery

It was the drinking and carousing that Theda hated most. The young nun traced a finger around the rim of her glass of ginger ale, and sighed.

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud,” the girl seated next to her said, poking Theda’s elbow with an umbrella swizzle stick. “Lesh have a dance!”

Theda felt herself pulled on to the dance floor. She felt so wrong without her habit on. As if the convent’s protection was gone and she was exposed to all this unnecessary frivolity.

But Danielle genuinely wanted her there to celebrate the wedding. How could she refuse her twin sister?

With a strained smile, Theda allowed herself to dance with the girl. Together they spun on the dance floor to a crazy, hypnotic beat. She was getting dizzy. This was all too much.

“Theda!” A pair of strong arms grabbed her. It was Danielle, with that crushing hug she’d grown up with. Danielle had so much love to give. It was fitting that she got married, while the more quiet sister went to

Serve the Church.

She gazed at her sister after the hug. “I’m only here for you,” Theda said.

“I know, and so grateful I am!” Danielle embraced her sister again.

It was then that the dance hall went truly crazy.

Danielle withdrew from Theda’s arms, made a little squeak noise, and fell to the floor — dead.

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