The Teacher, The Principal And A Problem Child

3 weeks before summer vacation and the end of the school year a teacher with the principal to discuss what to do with the problem girl in their class

“Principal Layla do you know why this girl keeps causing problems for me, I have been tormented with her antics half the school year I can’t figure it out if may be she just Born this way?”

The principal returned his answer “what types of problems she makes in the class”.

“She’s disruptive to the me when she is ignored even for a little while, I try to meet her needs but I can’t stay with her all the time. Strangest thing is she was generally a good kid until after Christmas break.”

The principal pulled out a note with hearts all over it from her drawer and presented it to the teacher this is a note that came from “your so-called problem Child I’m going to be honest I know the other side of this argument and it doesn’t look good for you.”

The teacher objected “what do you mean doesn’t look good for me it shouldn’t be looking good for her especially her grades now.”

The principal retorted “think just for a moment why is her grades going down now that you been seeing her more often, I know you make an effort to connect with all of your students and I commend you for it but this may have been a step or 2 to far.”

The teacher looked shocked that the principal knows enough this far. “I… at fault I admit but tried to..”

The principal stops him “tried to keep things professional but that doesn’t seem to work in relationships now does it, do you know what 12-year-old girls do to compete for love.”


“They write letters, love letters and I’m sure you receive some that you probably threw in the trash. Which is a good move by the way otherwise This meeting would be accompanied by armed staff and a pink slip rather than a warning of being too close. You know what I mean by being too close right”.

“I think so… Um could you enlighten me a little bit “The teacher said this wondering how far the principal knows the secret he keeps all however the next words from her mouth confirms his answer.

The principal read from the note and said “you and she met at the Christmas school play and after some good times you began to date her even make love to her that is of course i’m talking about her mother”

The teacher ignored the embarrassment he had in his head and asked one curiosity “principal what is that slip of paper you’re reading”

The paper the principal had looked like it was torn out of a journal

The principal said “I’m glad you asked this is from the student the so-called problem Child. It seems she’s been keeping tabs on everything that’s been going on ever since her heart got stepped on by her own mother so she has been not thinking straight for months.”

The teacher now fully realizing what he had done “ohhhhhhh fuck what do I do”

“Besides not sleeping with her mother, maybe we could all have a meeting together along with the counselor and maybe we can mitigate some of the damage but the rest is on you and how you deal with your relationship with the mother”

The teacher left out of there flustered he was glad he get to keep his job but he wonders rather if it was worth it starts lingers he gets ready to leave on his date.

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