
“It’ll be so worth it”

I said

“You’re totally equipped”

I said

“You’ve got nothing but time!”

Those were the words of a fool

In love with those precious things

Called words

And the way they glimmered

Across pages and pages

In that sweet phenomenon

Called a “book”

And now November is ending

My eyes are watering

Not with sorrow

Not with fatigue

But with regret

“Words are stupid!”

I said

“I hate letters!”

I said

“Letters can go take a hike!”

And then I was filled with lonesomeness

A cold, cold solitude

I wondered what those words were up to

And if they’d accept my company

Stories blossomed in my mind

I struggled to quiet them

For I found myself curious

If not still a little tired

My bruised brain considered

Those 5,000 words

Between my complaints

And victory

Those 5,000 words

Like ghosts in a graveyard

I knew they existed

I knew where to find them

I had only to visit their resting place

And bring them something beautiful

To inspire an appearance

So I pulled my hair up

I pulled on my loveliest blouse

I pulled my reluctant self

Over to my desk

I sat down

I took a deep breath

I sobbed

But only a little

And then I placed my weary hands

On the keyboard

I begged my fingers to move

“You’ve only a tenth left”

I said

“No one will ever read this anyway”

I said

I grimaced

“Maybe just a few people will read this…

Give them something good”

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