On your 30th birthday, a mysterious figure reveals that you're the heir to an ancient throne in a realm you've never heard of...
A New Start
What? My head is spinning. How can this be possible? Who is this freak!
Why did he just show up out of no where and start saying how I’m the new king?
What is his problem, don’t even get me started on how he looks. Maybe like some sort of devil? I have no clue; I’m starting to panic.
This day is just the worst, first no one shows up to my party, in fact no one even knew it was my birthday even though I told them multiple times.
This sucks. I want to cry but this creepy freak is still in my room; and eating my cake? I finally open my mouth.
“Hey! Don’t eat my cake, what’s wrong with you?”
“Relax it’s not like anyone else is eating it besides you and me.” He retorts back.
He’s right. The only person who showed up to my 30th was the outer-world creature with a motive to join him.
Maybe I should? Who knows could be fun? But what do if he is in fact a demon and I become the ruler of hell?
Would that really be all that bad?
He gets up from the dining table and starts to speak.
“Hey, I don’t have all day are you coming with me or
are we going to have to go with our second option?
“I’ll go.” I spoke.
What the worst that can happen?