Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.
Drifting Off
At the end of a long work day
I relax on the sofa
Basking in the artificial glow
Of my luminous TV set
I feel myself drifting off
And the radiant light
Becomes an ever fainter blur
The words fade into background noise
The room fades and all the action now
Radiates from my own body
I am peering inside, as dreams approach
My breathing becoming predictable,
Stable and relaxed
My breath is like the wind
Blowing steadily through a tropical cave
Warm and breezy.
Suddenly I see a dandelion seed
Float onto the warm breeze
Speeding through the cavern
Up and out into the rainforest
The little seed turns into a feather
And is carried higher
Through trees teeming with life
Swept up above them
to the forest canopy
I see the feather, I am the feather
Floating on the breeze
I am the breeze
Blowing through the cave
And up to the roof of the forest
I am also the cave, the forest and trees
I am the feather that floats on the breeze