Write a story that takes place in a strange city.

It could be an alternate reality, a culture very different from your own, or a fantasy setting.


Jennifer missed Emily everyday, even though they video called and texted everyday. She longed for her presence, so she did everything she could to find out where she was posted. Thankfully, working with the FBI gives her the freedom to do so. After nearly two months of planning, Jennifer arrived in Prague. She was surrounded by history and so much closer to her love. When Jennifer tried to get in a taxi, a random man pushed her to the ground and took her taxi. A nearby woman helped her to her feet, but couldn’t understand a word she said. Jennifer nodded, clutched the gun in her hidden holster, and decided to just walk to Emily’s apartment. Fifteen minutes later, she was walking up to the nicest apartment building she has ever seen. Considering the surrounding areas were heavily populated with homeless people, drug dealers, and prostitute, it was understandable why Emily chose this specific apartment complex. She took the elevator to the top floor (go figure), and found suite 786. It was 8:42 so Emily should be here. Jennifer knocked and Emily opened the door immediately. Emily was wearing a bathrobe, and Jennifer assumed nothing was underneath it. Without hesitation, Emily pulled her inside, started kissing her, and later her down on the bed.

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