That’s My Goldfish

“That’s my Goldfish!”

“Just leave it Tommy, please.”

“Come on fucker, show me the bottles! I hit them square on”

“Now lad, calm it down a bit, kiddy’s around n all. Ain’t my fault you got a bit of a weak elbow”

“Why you fat old shit! Why don’t you come round this side of the table and I’ll show you my weak fucking elbow!”

“Tommy please!”

“Best listen to ya lady, lover boy, ya making a scene of yaself”

“You’re cheating scum you bastard, keep ya fucking goldfish”

“Why’d you even want the goldfish so bad anyway Tommy?”

“Fuck the goldfish, just the principle of the thing - those bottles are stuck or weighted or something.”

“Well that’s the carnival for you Tommy! Say, let’s go get some candy clouds!!!”

“Candy Clouds?”

“Yeah, those pink … cotton clouds?”

“Cotton candy - Candy floss?”

“Yeah! Let’s go get some of that, it smells delicious!”

“And the doughnuts too!!!”

“Ohh definitely! I want to eat until I’m sick!”

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