When I Look In A Mirror

When i look in the mirror i see the person that i think i am. No matter what anyone says to me or tells me how pretty i am, I always see my own imperfections. Even if i lose that 2 pounds or i am now too skinny for my little crop top or size 2 blue jeans. I doesn’t even matter to me i only see what i don’t like through my reflection. And most of the time i see my scars weather that is mentally emotionally or physically. Like cuts i gave myself because i was hurting or my battle scars i like to call them. I see where i permanently embedded them into my skin or i can see some rude bitch string back at me if i was rude to someone. Or i can see my red puffy eyes or tear stains on my face after I’m done crying. Sometimes however rarely, i do start to feel good about myself and how i look but then someone’s unwelcome comments or even my own thoughts can break down all the progress I’ve built. The point is when i look in the mirror i see this reflection of a person who isn’t me, even tho that is me in the reflection. Sometimes i feel like we should get rid of all the mirrors in the world like what good do they even do anyway right. I mean like what could possibly go so wrong i mean like we might have a few thousand more car accidents but if that helped people stop judging them selves that would be fine by me. I mean like yeah I’d feel bad but at the same time it would help people. Well obviously that wont be an adequate solution to this massive problem that we are all having. But idk what we could do as human beings with our own personal life’s an issues and pasts. Obviously my only recommendation would be to not thing badly about yourself but for some people that’s not possible. So what i can say for you is too stop judging yourself so harshly, if you are going to judge yourself i mean. And remember everybody is human, no one is perfect. And be kind i mean like would you be unnecessary mean to a person you just met, or at least most of the time. Treat yourself like you would treat other people.

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