Another Way Around

One day, an alien landed on the surface of the Earth. Its purpose was to discuss the concept of love with a human. There is a boy with the ability to talk to aliens, he finds himself in a strong gravitational field. The alien walks down from the spaceship, and sets up a space for the conversation. The boy says, “Are you…” The alien answers, “Yes, I come from another galaxy and wants to talk with you.” The boy is surprised, “With me? Oh! I am going to be the first human to speak to an alien.” The alien continues, “I am going to discuss the concept of love with you.” The boy is confused, aren’t the aliens always want to occupy other planets? “I don’t know much about love, but I do know I live in a very happy family.” The boy said. The alien is attracted by his words, “What’s that? What is it feel like?” This is a common feeling in all children, live happily and don’t need to worry about anything. But it doesn’t exist in the alien’s world, where everyone is on their own from the day they are born. “Well, it’s like I can have what I want. Sometimes, I can behave in a spoiled manner. Of course, I need to do what I supposed to do, then I can play freely.” The boy told the alien, “Furthermore, when it’s time for weekend, my family and I will hang out together, to the beach, or have a Barbecue.” The alien is wondering if that happens in their home, “I can tell you my story, I live in a poor area, there is nothing to eat or play. The only thing that makes me happy is when I get the chance to go abroad to see other species, like you!” The boy is very excited that he actually makes friend with this alien. They exchange souvenirs with each other, and promise to meet up again when the alien comes back.

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