People Pleaser

People Pleaser

If wishes fell like rain, then certainly I am a storm.

But thankfully, I’ve brought an umbrella.

Lately, it has been storming stronger than ever.

It’s like Skyfall;

Like the stars themselves are raining down upon me—

Tracing their comets behind.

The raindrops fall heavy on my shelter,

But never heavy enough for them to reach me.

One sounds like childhood, another like love or luck.

They slide down from my canopy, so fast that I can never quite catch a glimpse.

I can hear, I can feel,

But I cannot see.

Grant too much and others will take you for granted;

I laid myself raw on a gold platter for everyone to feed.

Set the table with silver knives and silver spoons.

They ate me alive and left me in pieces.

Playing Hangman’s gambit with one’s dreams.

I try to guess, but I don’t know what I want—

It would be easier if I could see….

Why does my roof never collapse?

Because wish granters can no longer wish.

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