The Search that Led To Captain America

The lead excavator trudged through the icy bowels of this strange wreckage.

No one had ever seen anything like this before, but something told the excavator it’d been here for a very long time. Why, his team had taken several hours just to uncover enough of this…ship…to get inside to have a basic look.

Professional spelunkers and repellers trudged through the frozen steel around them as one small group veered off to the left from the main company.

The excavator decided to follow. When someone in his group broke off, almost always it meant that someone had found something. As he drew near, he saw immediately what had been so important to discover.

Two entry-level team members sat frozen in place, stunned at their find.

Through the surface of the ice, an image, though distorted by its frozen cocoon, displayed clearer and more proudly than anything the excavator had ever seen.

A red, white, and blue shield with a solitary white star at the center.

“What the…?” The excavator gasped.

“It’s true, sir, it’s really him,” one of the new team members confirmed, “it has to be!”

“Well, then what are we waiting for??” The excavator demanded. “Let’s get him out!”

Almost faster than he could blink, the entire company was suddenly on scene, chipping away, melting, and removing stubborn rage chunks of ice, working with fervor to remove the now near 90-year old Super Soldier from his cryonic tomb.

Finally, he was free.

And fast asleep.

“Comms!” The excavator yelled. “Get the President on the phone!”

“Who, the President of the company?” The comms manager asked.

“No, the President of Mars!” The excavator snapped.

The comms manager’s face paled when he realized what the excavator meant. “R-right away, sir!”


Several hours later, Steve Rogers lay fast asleep on an old hospital bed, completely unaware of the new America around him, and completely unaware that his world, and his universe, was about to forever change…

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