Write a series of diary entries from the point of view of someone hiding, evading capture.
They can be hiding for whatever reason you like, but think about why they are writing in a diary and who they might hope will find it.
August 12, 2026
My name is not important. I work at the GSC office in Raleigh, NC. I’ll explain everything as soon as I can. My PDA is damaged and low on battery. But I don’t know how long I can continue to update on the situation. They’re outside my-
August 13, 2026
I managed to avoid capture, thank God. But they’re still after me. My house is compromised and I’m currently sitting just outside the city limits. Yesterday, my boss tasked me with digging up an old file on some low-life criminal up for parole. I went looking for it and accidentally found something serious. I can’t say all the details because I don’t have much time. But to put it in simple terms, the GSC has been testing bio-weapons in low income neighborhoods. The media told us it was because of a drug epidemic. But no, it was something called Powell-4. I couldn’t get much reading done but it’s some sort of chemical that they just toss into the water supply. I don’t understand why they would- oh shit!
August 19, 2026
The GSC is on my ass. My PDA got waterlogged and I had to buy another one. They came up in a van and hopped out right next to me. They weren’t there to ask questions. Immediate gunfire. I took one in the hip but I managed to escape. But the GSC is not on our side. All those people that they round up and send to the asylums were just saying shit they didn’t like. I always thought they were crazy. Just some mindless junkie making stuff up. They weren't, though. Hundreds of innocent people, locked up because they were right. I’m not gonna be like them. I will make sure this gets released to the public. They’re gonna kill me, for sure. But I’m a martyr. I’ve known that for a while.
August 21, 2026
It’s been a couple days since my last entry. The GSC has been silent since that one day. But they’re planning something. I know they are. They’ve started interrogating my family. They won’t crack, though. I know it. A buddy from college let me crash at his place up in Durham. I’ve done some more digging since my GSC server login is likely to get disabled any day now, and I made another discovery. Powell-4 isn’t being developed for a war. It’s for us. The GSC is going to release it on March 1st, 2027. It’s going to send us into a global pandemic that they have full control of. It’s their way of making a grab at the world. They already have a cure developed, too. As we all crumble and die, the GSC will be attacking the nerve centers of the world. Then, while we’re distracted, they strike and end up in full control of everything. Then, once they’ve had enough, they release the cure. The GSC gains control and we don’t notice a thing. That’s their goal. This can’t happen.
August 22, 2026
I’m currently about 4 miles away from Pennsylvania. I bought a shitty car with what little cash I had on me and left. I can’t get anyone else roped into this. My coworkers are good people. They didn’t know I was staging a coup. And I’ll die before I let anything happen to my family. My current plan is to try and make it to Canada. If I can do that, I might actually get a shot at living. I think they have a lower GSC presence than the U.S. But I don’t think I’ll even make it out of Pennsylvania. I know the GSC is after me. They have to. This is my final entry. All of it will be uploaded onto the Internet soon. Continue this fight if you can. But just remember that there’s no turning back. You can’t escape them. The GSC will catch you. They always have.